Airspace change to R-4807A and R-4808N
What is attached below is an item found by our very own beloved Glenn Campbell (Psychospy when he’s in one of his MPD episodes). It’s from the Federal Register and has to do with an interesting airspace change to the Nellis Complex, effective July 20, 1995.
The apparent main thrust of the change was to take a small portion of the highly restricted airspace (R-4808N) over the west portion of the Nevada Test Site (near the Yucca Mountain area) and transfer it into a sightly less restricted area of airspace to the west, known as R-4807A on civilian airspace charts. This in itself is of only minor interest to us losers fascinated with Area 51 and its environs. The real surprise is in the change of status that was made at the same time to R-4807A. Now R-4807A, for the benefit of those out there who don’t have the Las Vegas sectional chart handy, is one damn BIG piece of airspace. It runs between the Tonopah Test Range and the NTS and Groom restricted airspaces, from Hwy 95 on the west, to almost Hwy 375 on the east. Pahute Mesa is beneath this airspace, as well as Gold Flat and Kawich Valley.
With the exception of certain special approvals, this airspace had been off-limits to civilian aircraft 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a result of this change, outlined in the attachment below, it is only restricted from 6:00 AM Monday to 7:00 PM Friday! Of course the military still has the right to restrict it at other times for training, but they have to issue a “Notice to Airmen” about it in advance.
So why is this important? Simply this: It pretty strongly suggests there isn’t anything “secret” in, or more precisely under, this area. You say you’d like to check out Pahute Mesa, supposedly where the discs moved to, according to John Lear? Well just charter a trusty old Cessna and have a buzz across the desert landscape at 50′ AGL on a Sunday morning. I don’t think you’ll find anything though, other than some well abused bombing targets.
[Federal Register: April 27, 1995 (Volume 60, Number 81)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Page 20625-20626]
>From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []
14 CFR Part 73
[Airspace Docket No. 94-AWP-17]
Realignment of Restricted Areas R-4807A, Tonopah and R-4808N,
Vegas, NV
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This action realigns the common boundary between Restricted Areas R-4807A, Tonopah, NV, and R-4808N, Las Vegas, NV, located within the Nellis Air Force Base (AFB) Range Complex. R-4807A is increased by 128 square miles on its eastern boundary and R-4808N is correspondingly reduced by the same amount. There are no changes to the designated altitudes for either R-4807A or R-4808N. Because R-4807A is a joint-use restricted area, this action will increase the airspace available for civil use when the area is released to the controlling agency.
Additionally, the time of designation for R-4807A is being reduced from “Continuous” to “Continuous from 0600 Monday to 1900 Friday; other times by NOTAM.” R-4808N is a non-joint-use restricted area and is active on a continuous basis.
EFFECTIVE DATE: 0901 UTC, July 20, 1995.
Jim Robinson, Military Operations Program Office (ATM-420), Office of Air Traffic System Management, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 493- 4050.
The Rule
This amendment to part 73 of the Federal Aviation Regulations realigns the common boundary between Restricted Areas R-4807A and R- 4808N within the Nellis AFB. This amendment increases the area of R- 4807A by 128 square miles on the eastern side and reduces R-4808N by the same amount. The purpose of this action is to enhance airspace utilization and allow better use of existing electronic warfare threat simulators in the area of R-4807A known as EC South (ECS). The expansion of R-4807A will support the same type of missions currently flown in the existing ECS airpace. Additionally, the time of designation for R-4807A is being reduced from “Countinous” to “Continuous from 0600 Monday to 1900 Friday; other times by NOTAM.”
These actions will increase the airspace available for civil aviation use when R-4807A is released to the controlling agency. R-4808N is a non-joint-use restricted area and is active on a continuous basis. This amendment realigns the common boundary between two existing restricted areas, reduces the time of designation for R-4807A, and does not establish any new restricted airspace. Therefore, I find that notice and public procedure under 5 U.S.C. 553(b) are unnecessary because this action is a minor technical amendment in which the public is not particularly interested. Section 73.48 of part 73 of the Federal Aviation Regulations was republished in FAA Order 7400.8B dated March 9, 1994.
The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an established body of technical regulations for which frequent and routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current.
It, therefore–(1) is not a “significant regulatory action” under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a “significant rule” under DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant preparation of a regulatory evaluation as the anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that will only affect air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is certified that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
Environmental Review
An environmental assessment was conducted in accordance with United States Air Force (USAF) regulations and resulted in a categorical exclusion (CATEX) determination by the USAF. This action is a minoradjustment to the internal boundaries of adjacent restricted areas, without changing the outer limits of the restricted airspace complex as a whole, and a reduction in the time of use for R-4807A. This action is not subject to environmental assessments and procedures under FAA Order 1050.1D, “Policies and Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts,” and the National Environmental Policy Act.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 73
Airspace, Navigation (air).
Adoption of the Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation Administration amends 14 CFR part 73 as follows: [[Page 20626]]
1. The authority citation for part 73 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. app. 1348(a), 1354(a), 1510, 1522; E.O.
10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389; 49 U.S.C. 106(g);
14 CFR 11.69.
Sec. 73.48 [Amended]
2. Section 73.48 is amended as follows:
R-4807A Tonopah, NV [Amended]
By removing the existing boundaries and time of designation and substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 36 deg.51’00”N., long.
116 deg.33’33”W.; to lat. 37 deg.26’30”N., long.
117 deg.04’33”W.; to lat. 37 deg.33’00”N., long.
117 deg.05’41”W.; to lat. 37 deg.53’00”N., long.
117 deg.05’41”W.; to lat. 37 deg.53’00”N., long.
116 deg.55’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.47’00”N., long.
116 deg.55’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.33’00”N., long.
116 deg.43’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.33’00”N., long.
116 deg.26’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.53’00”N., long.
116 deg.26’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.53’00”N., long.
116 deg.11’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.42’00”N., long.
116 deg.11’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.42’00”N., long.
115 deg.53’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.33’00”N., long.
115 deg.53’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.33’00”N., long.
115 deg.48’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.28’00”N., long.
115 deg.48’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.28’00”N., long.
116 deg.00’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.16’00”N., long.
116 deg.00’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.16’00”N., long.
116 deg.11’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.20’00”N., long.
116 deg.11’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.23’00”N., long.
116 deg.17’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.23’00”N., long.
116 deg.22’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.21’00”N., long.
116 deg.27’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.21’00”N., long.
116 deg.34’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.16’00”N., long.
116 deg.31’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.08’00”N., long.
116 deg.27’03”W.; to lat. 36 deg.55’00”N., long.
116 deg.27’03”W.; to lat. 36 deg.55’00”N., long.
116 deg.33’33”W.; to the point of beginning.
Time of designation: Continuous from 0600 Monday to 1900 Friday; other times by NOTAM.
R-4808N Vas Vegas, NV [Amended]
By removing the existing boundaries and substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 36 deg.41’00”N., long.
115 deg.56’03”W.; to lat. 36 deg.41’00”N., long.
116 deg.14’48”W.; to lat. 36 deg.46’00”N., long.
116 deg.26’33”W.; to lat. 36 deg.51’00”N., long.
116 deg.26’33”W.; to lat. 36 deg.51’00”N., long.
116 deg.33’33”W.; to lat. 36 deg.55’00”N., long.
116 deg.33’33”W.; to lat. 36 deg.55’00”N., long.
116 deg.27’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.08’00”N., long.
116 deg.27’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.16’00”N., long.
116 deg.31’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.16’00”N., long.
116 deg.00’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.28’00”N., long.
116 deg.00’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.28’00”N., long.
115 deg.35’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.06’00”N., long.
115 deg.35’03”W.; to lat. 37 deg.06’00”N., long.
115 deg.56’03”W.; to the point of beginning.
Issued in Washington, DC, on April 14, 1995.
Nancy B. Kalinowski,
Acting Manager, Airspace-Rules and Aeronautical Information Division.
[FR Doc. 95-10388 Filed 4-26-95; 8:45 am]
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