Years ago I had prepared a set of route directions called “The Stealthy Road to Silverbow”. It was driving instructions to get to an interesting spot on public land at the northeast corner of the Tonopah Test Range. However in time, it was discovered a slightly shorter route would take you to a place called “Brainwash Butte”. This was easier to get to with a better view, and thus became the preferred destination.
Not long ago, I was out there and attempted to use my old directions and got nice and lost (the directions were done before GPS became prevalent). I recovered of course, because I am, after all, me, and recorded a proper GPS route and waypoints. Those directions are linked to below. and should get you safely in and out.
But of course the usual caveats apply! To the base of Brainwash Butte is about 22 miles of dirt road, and even further from the nearest town, Tonopah. It’s pretty far in off Highway 6 with no option to get help if you get stuck. I recall cell coverage to be poor to non-existent, with heavy on the non-existent. That said, with the exception of the last quarter mile up to the top of Brainwash Butte (which you can easily walk) the route is pretty decent and could be done in any high vehicle clearance with care.
The Stealthy Road to Brainwash Butte, a PDF file with mileages and directions
KML file of the route for use with Google Earth (Do a “File Save as”) to save it on your computer
GPX file for use with the GPS unit of your choosing (Do a “File Save as”) to save it on your computer
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