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Copy everything below the line and using a text editor paste it into a file titled, “USBController.ino”

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//  Canon Arduino Controller

//  Arduino pin 10 is input from RC receiver
//  Arduino pin 12 is output to camera USB
//  Arduino pin XX is +5 volts from RC receiver
//  Arduino pin XX is ground
//  Set up initial variables:
int led = 13;
int PWM_In = 10;
int USB_Power_Out = 12;
unsigned long duration;
int ActiveState;
int STANDBY = 0;
int RECORDING = 1;
int SHUTDOWN = 2;

//  The following sets the PWM levels from the RC receiver:
//  Low PWM=standby, medium PWM=record, high PWM=shutdown
int StartState = 1250;
int RecordStateStart = 1350;
int RecordStateEnd = 1650;
int ShutdownStart = 1750;
// End set up initial variables

// Setup routine runs once when you press Arduino reset button:
void setup() 
    // Initializes pin 12 and pin 13 (LED) as digital outputs
    pinMode(led, OUTPUT);     
    pinMode(USB_Power_Out, OUTPUT); 
    //  Initializes pin 10 as digital input  
    pinMode(PWM_In, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(USB_Power_Out, LOW);

//  This loop routine runs until shutdown:
void loop() {
   duration = pulseIn(PWM_In, HIGH);

//  Check whether input signal is for standby, record or shutdown:   
   if (duration <= StartState)
     {ActiveState = STANDBY;}  
   else if (duration >= RecordStateStart && duration <=  RecordStateEnd)
     {ActiveState = RECORDING;}
   else if (duration >= ShutdownStart)
   {ActiveState = SHUTDOWN;}

//  If Standby mode, output 15 msec pulses:   
     if (ActiveState == STANDBY)
         digitalWrite(USB_Power_Out, HIGH);
         digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
         digitalWrite(USB_Power_Out, LOW);
         digitalWrite(led, LOW);

// If Record mode, output 45 msec pulses:   
     if (ActiveState == RECORDING)
        digitalWrite(USB_Power_Out, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(USB_Power_Out, LOW);
        digitalWrite(led, LOW);

//  If Shutdown mode, output 90 msec pulses:
      if (ActiveState == SHUTDOWN)
        digitalWrite(USB_Power_Out, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(USB_Power_Out, LOW);
        digitalWrite(led, LOW);
