Dates: October 2016 through April 2017
Participant: Bret Lamb
General Search Area:
Multiple areas northwesterly of Smith Water Canyon and the canyon between Upper and Lower Covington Flats.
This is a collection of six trips made by Bret Lamb into the rugged area northwesterly of Smith Water Canyon which I’m posting with his permission.
Bret didn’t send me specific details on his individual efforts, and I have nothing to add beyond that’s some pretty impressive terrain to have covered. I’m posting these as a conglomerate to serve as part of the ongoing record of the search for Bill Ewasko.
GPS Mileage for these six trips: 41.3 miles
Cumulative GPS mileage to date: 980.7 miles
GPS tracks for this trip in Google Earth kml format
GPS tracks for this trip in Garmin gdb format
GPS tracks for this trip in gpx format