Date: 3/5/2011
Participants: Tom Mahood
General search area: Juniper Flats trailhead to Juniper Flats
Rationale for searching this area: Filling in a variety of search area gaps remaining in the area southeast of Juniper Flats.
Impressions of area and findings: Fairly open terrain with occasional rocky outcrops.
Coverage level:
With the completion of the gaps covered in this search, the area southeast of Juniper Flats had been completed to a very high confidence level (90% plus)
This was another good example of using a preplanned GPS path to adequately cover a variety of separated and diverse areas to a high level of confidence by, in this case, a single individual. As can be seen from the GPS track below there was considerable zig-zagging. This was planned to fill in remaining search gaps.
During the course of this search, an interesting old can dump was discovered, which looked like it might have once been a rancher’s camp. The cans appeared to be of the soldered variety, indicating a significant age.
GPS mileage submitted for this trip: 9.0 miles
Cumulative GPS mileage submitted to date: 298.5 miles
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