Date: 12/18/2010
Participants: Paul Caraher, Pete Carlson, Tom Mahood and Patrick McCurdy
General search area:
Unsearched areas on the southeast slopes of the ridge between Quail Mountain and Lang Mine
Rationale for searching this area:
Review of the images we had taken of the initial Ewasko search map we had been shown on our last trip showed considerable holes in ground search coverage in this area. GPS tracks were mapped out for this search to fill in all those holes.
Impressions of area and findings:
Very open area, generally, but a number of rock outcroppings and large bushes that could provide concealing coverage.
Coverage level:
Due to good open ground visibility, I feel this area was likely covered to an 80% level.
Very cold, windy and bad weather for this search, as a storm was moving in. The ability to hit the Serin Drive cell tower from this area appeared unlikely, unless it was from the highest areas near the very crest of the ridgeline. That area already had significant travel by ground searchers. While on the ridge in bad weather, we came across an individual looking for two missing members of his party who were destined for Quail Mountain. We had seen those two earlier, far beneath us, and directed this individual toward them. Some old rock cairns were noted, which appeared to be of mineral claim nature.
GPS mileage submitted for this trip: 37.1 miles
Cumulative GPS mileage submitted to date: 132.0
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